The TerraTopo printed map (ISBN 0-9713501-0-8) covers a portion of the Absaroka-Beartooth wilderness, including Mystic lake, Island Lake, Granite Peak and the well-known 'Beaten Path' trail between Cooke City, Montana and Alpine (East Rosebud). The map also reveals the regions surrounding Granite Peak, East and West Rosebud, Mystic Lake, and Alpine. The map is folded on waterproof, tear-resistant paper and has an approximate dimension of 24 inches wide by 32 inches tall. The map is folded with a size of approximately 4 inches x 6 1/2 inches. The fold size is small enough to fit in your backpack.
Along with the Stillwater Trail, East Rosebud Trail (“The Beaten Path”) is one of two trans-Beartooth Mountain routes. The Beaten Path 26-mile hiking trail leads through the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness of Montana and celebrates the East Rosebud Creek, Russell Creek and all the scenic beauty in between. Along the trail, there are numerous waterfalls, alpine lakes, wildlife, alpine streams, wild trout, snow-covered terraces and beautiful vistas. The trail's defacto name is the 'Beaten Path'. The trail's official name is the East Rosebud Trail. The East Rosebud trail and many other trails are shown on the TerraTopo map.
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SKU: TerraTopo Map
$13.99 Regular Price
$11.99Sale Price
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